The support for Praying for Kensley is overwhelming! This blog has over 15,000 hits and her FB page has over 7,000 members! Today WHNT posted an update on her story and challenged the community to send Kensley birthday cards for her birthday tomorrow. Can you believe that?? With all the news everyday, our community is still holding our Princess in their thoughts and prayers! Here is the link:,0,7273416.story
PLEASE PRAY! There is a lot going on right now for the entire family. The transport was not easy on anyone. Kensley is in a transition right now coming off the sedation medication that was expected, but still tough to endure. The side effects are pretty rough. The team at UAB is also running their own tests to verify her condition and plot her course of treatment. Children's Hospital is one of the best, but they are all business!! I think the change from Sacred Heart where the main goal was to keep everyone comfortable to Children's where recovery is the goal is quite a transition for all. Therapy is hard, and filled with twists and turns. The family is very worn and weary, and all the new information and conditions is overwhelming at times. PLEASE PRAY for God's comfort and peace for all. I know we have been saying that, but now is the time to beg the Lord for His peace and comfort for the family. Some of the tests are coming back positive, and some news is not what we want to hear. The bottom line - WE KNOW A MAN WHO CAN CHANGE THIS SITUATION! Please also pray for Konnor. He is back home, and it is very hard on him to be away from his family.
The battle isn't over - we've just started to fight!
Pray without ceasing!
11 years ago
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